Leilah Babirye, DW Fitzpatrick
NADA Miami: Leilah Babirye, DW Fitzpatrick
Dec. 7–Dec. 10, 2017
For the 2017 edition of NADA Miami, Gordon Robichaux is pleased to present an installation of mixed-media works by Leilah Babirye (born 1985 in Kampala, Uganda) and Daphne Fitzpatrick (born 1964 in Long Island, New York). Bridging the artists’ national, cultural, and generational differences, the presentation makes evident their shared strategies and concerns: their use of collage, transformation of found objects and detritus, and engagement with queer identity, gender, and the body.
Gordon Robichaux will also introduce its 2017 print project—PORTFOLIO—an edition of eight works by eight artists: Leilah Babirye, Lucky DeBellevue, Elisabeth Kley, Siobhan Liddell, Monique Mouton, Dean Spunt, Tabboo!, and Ken Tisa.

Leilah Babirye 'Queen in Love' 2016, Wood, metal, nails, glue, and found objects, 17.5 x 8.75 x 4 inches

Leilah Babirye 'Husband and Husband' 2016, Wood, paint, ceramic, glaze, lock, nails, screws and metal, 12 x 17 inches

Leilah Babirye 'Untitled (The Queens Series)' 2015, Acrylic and collage on paper, 11.5 x 8.25 inches

Daphne Fitzpatrick 'Obverse and Reverse' 2017, Found copper and found US dollar bill, 3 x 20 x 7 inches

Daphne Fitzpatrick 'Knife, Fork, Spoon (Repousśe)' 2014, Hardware, bungee, string and found cutlery, 6 x 72 inches

Daphne Fitzpatrick 'Clock Unwound' 2005, Unique Polaroid photograph, 5.75 x 4.75 inches